Ardor's Account - The Full Confession
Speech of Christ
Speech of God's servant
Concluding Summary
Questions & Answers Part I
Questions & Answers Part II
Atonement and the Shorter Road
History, Proofs and Results
The Light Universal
Toward the Light
Question 11


What were the thoughts of Jesus concerning his mission on Earth?

In evil times he was born upon the Earth.

In evil times he grew up among the people.

His thoughts were pure. His eye saw and his ear heard more than did the weak eyes and deaf ears of humans.

Love and compassion filled his heart. And his hands brought healing to many.

But his countenance was sorrowful, for he carried the heaviest of burdens upon his shoulders.

And he was a stranger among the people.

His eye saw much sin, much grief, much suffering.

And he heard the people in the synagogue and in their homes cry to their god to free them from their yoke of bondage and soon, soon to send them the Messiah, the promised, the long-awaited One.

Gradually, God awakened in Jesus the idea that he was sent to the Earth to deliver the people from bondage to sin, and to cleanse their hearts of all impurity; that he was sent to teach the people to love one another, to strengthen their faith in their Heavenly Father.

Slowly the hope awoke in the heart of Jesus that he was the promised, the long awaited One.

But he dared not believe this fully. And he pondered much upon these thoughts.

He sat often in the synagogue, studying the sacred Writings of old. And he listened to the elders and to the scribes as they explained the words.

But he found not the peace for which he searched.


He studied much the old Writings, But his heart was heavy; for the god he found therein was often vindictive, and in no way just.



But Jesus wearied not. He continued to seek until he was able finally to discern faintly the image of a gentle divinity—the God of Truth, of Love and of Compassion.


And this God of Truth and of the Light whom he glimpsed beyond the deity of wrath and vengeance, became for him a reminder of the Father whose image he bore within his heart.

And it was to Him that he prayed with passion for help—for peace, for strength.

And God heard his prayer.


And He granted him strength, purity and peace of heart.


When Jesus felt this strength come over him, he went into the synagogue and stood forth, and he spoke words of challenge to the elders and the scribes.

And all who heard him wondered, for his words were clear and he spoke with much authority.


Some of the words of Jesus were these: “Behold, I tell you this: that the god you fear and worship is not a true god but a false one! And I say: should you search with care the old Scriptures that speak of this your god, then would you see that he is weak and fickle. Now he wields the scourge of vengeance and retribution over the heads of your forefathers and drives his people into exile, then calls them back. Now he bids, through the prophets, the leaders take arms against neighboring peoples to pillage and to slay; and when thus for a time he has raged with his might, he repents of what he has done and promises to temper his wrath, promises to show greater mercy. Truly, truly I tell you: this is neither the God of Truth nor of Justice.


“And see the worship he demands of you!

“See the many animals he bids you slaughter and offer before his image that this may please him! Behold all the blood spilt upon his altar that the scent thereof might rise to the heavens and please his heart!


“Behold, I ask: is it not said to you in the Law of Moses that you shall not kill one another? Yet how often has your god not spoken, through the prophets, to your forefathers and bidden them slay thousands upon thousands of their enemies? And has he not promised to reward your forefathers for these evil deeds with much glory, many riches and much land? I tell you truly that the God who says thou shalt not kill and that god who bids you kill, are not the same; for that god who bids you slay your enemies, he is of the evil, and he you should shun!”


And Jesus continued to speak, for they all kept silent.

And he attempted by the words of the sacred Writings to show them the God of love and truth, the God of the Light who in full justice punishes human transgressions; attempted to show them the God whose embrace was open to each repentant sinner—the true, the highest, the only God; He, who was not only the God of the Jewish people, but of all the world—yes, even of the heathen.

When he fell silent then was everyone in dismay.

And the scribes spoke to him in harsh condemnation.

And the highest ones among them stood forth and forbade him to ever again speak in the synagogue, yes, forbade him to interpret the words of the sacred Writings.


But Jesus answered them and said: "None have the right to bid me keep silence in my Father's house.3

Then were they all yet more dismayed, and some cried: “See! The Evil One is in him and speaks from his mouth. Hear how he profanes the holy and disdains the exalted!”

And they tried to drive him from the synagogue.

But Jesus made no answer and walked of his own accord out of his Father's House.

When the people in the city heard about that which had happened, they were astonished and many were angered.

And the parents of Jesus, the carpenter Joseph and his wife Mary, rebuked him sternly for the words he had spoken in the synagogue against the elders and the scribes.

But Jesus answered them and said: "Know you not that I love you, and have I not tried to do your bidding? How much more should I then not seek to do the bidding of Him by Whom I am sent? How much more should I then not love my Father in Heaven, He Who rules over all?"

But they understood him not, and they grieved much, for they believed his thoughts were confused.


3) Jesus regarded not only the temple in Jerusalem but all synagogues as his "Father's house".

HomeArdor's Account - The Full ConfessionSpeech of ChristSpeech of God's servantParablesConcluding SummaryPostscriptQuestions & Answers Part IQuestions & Answers Part IIAtonement and the Shorter RoadHistory, Proofs and Results