Ardor's Account - The Full Confession
Speech of Christ
Speech of God's servant
Concluding Summary
Questions & Answers Part I
Questions & Answers Part II
Atonement and the Shorter Road
History, Proofs and Results
The Light Universal
Toward the Light

   This site was put up to post all the parts of the work "Toward the Light". This is not intended to be a new religion, sect, or any other exclusive type group, nor do you have to believe. It is what really happened. Even though "God" is included in the questions and and answers, you will find no dogma. My core motivation to get this information out there will be evident as you read through it.

  I would not try to convince you, but assure you that I would not put in the effort if I didn't think it would be worth it. Even one will be well worth it. It has helped me more than I care to type and I hope for as much or more, even a fraction, for you


   Anyone who reads will be faced with choices that eventually need to be made. This is for all people and, so far, everyone ends up making the positive choices. This can help you make them sooner and speed up your progress. 

y experience in trying to share this information gets two majority reactions. The 'religious' can't really start to read it because it's different than what they've been taught which usually includes harm and/or damnation if they believe differently. The 'non religious' see that it includes "God" and will usually pass on it. My best hope is that you will be among those who can simply read through it with intellect and conscience and make the choices after thorough consideration. 

  If you never make it through this information to those choices in this life, you will still face these choices. You will still have access to this information where you are, at that time. Ask for it, or about it. But if you can get through this and act from it's message, it will accomplish much more while you are still here. There will be a quantum leap in your spiritual (not religious) development. This has been my personal experience and has profoundly improved my life (nothing to do with money). 

  This organization will always be looking for those who can understand and are willing to help others. We will always have need for the ones who joy in the giving that is better than receiving. We do not want your money but rather to see you apply yourself through the instruction found in "Toward the Light". Brighten the corner where you are. If you still have time, search yourself and find how you want to help us here. 

  We will also be on the look out for the Eldest and Youngest (you might know who you are) so that we may combine and harmonize to realize our greater responsibility. Much more can be accomplished while we are still here. Please don't wait.


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Home Ardor's Account - The Full Confession Speech of Christ Speech of God's servant Parables Concluding Summary Postscript Questions & Answers Part I Questions & Answers Part II Atonement and the Shorter Road History, Proofs and Results