Ardor's Account - The Full Confession
Speech of Christ
Speech of God's servant
Concluding Summary
Questions & Answers Part I
Questions & Answers Part II
Atonement and the Shorter Road
History, Proofs and Results
The Light Universal
Toward the Light


Toward the Light!

This work is to help explain the origin of humanity, God's true relation to them, and the struggle between good and evil (Light and Darkness).  Further, the true teaching of Christ will be presented, freed from centuries of additions and distortions.  It is all the information for which mankind has always asked.  In short, it explains what's really going on.  

These are answers to questions from humanity.  As requested by the ones who bring the message1, any who come into possession of this work are urged to read the work withholding judgement, or condemning it, before a most careful consideration of all the information conveyed in its answers.  Let your conscience speak.  You will eventually have to deal with this information, but the sooner the better.  Help humanity and save yourself from much trouble and avoidable suffering.  

This is not a religious "salvation" message; no dogma.  No one will be "left behind".  They don't even want you falling behind.*  We are all making it "Home" but the shortest distance is the straightest line.  Truth is the straightest line.   

1 Thus we ask all of you who know these writings, and those who in the course of time will become acquainted with them, to do everything within your power to understand in spirit and in truth the precious gift that our God and Father has bestowed upon you. "Seek to understand that what has taken place is unparalleled in the history of humanity, seek to understand that any re-occurrence at a future time is precluded. Seek to understand that had we failed to complete it, we who in manifold ways have taken part in this work, we should have been incarnated among you so that in the normal way — each within a different field — we could bring you that which has now been gathered in this work.— Seek to understand that had this been the case, all would have come to light in fragments, would have been given in many different places throughout the civilized world, and at long intervals. Numerous incarnations should we then have had to endure in order to bring you all this, and the absolute continuity of the present texts would have been impossible to achieve during our earthly lives."



Home Ardor's Account - The Full Confession Speech of Christ Speech of God's servant Parables Concluding Summary Postscript Questions & Answers Part I Questions & Answers Part II Atonement and the Shorter Road History, Proofs and Results